Intrigue podcastIntrigue1.
Acquired podcastAcquired2.
Black Box podcastBlack Box3.
Lex Fridman PodcastLex Fridman Podcast4.
Beyond Retail podcastBeyond Retail5.
Create the Future podcastCreate the Future6.
Data Queries podcastData Queries7.
Data Today with Dan Klein podcastData Today with Dan Klein8.
Drive Torque PodcastDrive Torque Podcast9.
Logged On – A Dazed PodcastLogged On – A Dazed Podcast10.
Mel's Electric Adventure podcastMel’s Electric Adventure11.
Mission Responsible podcastMission Responsible12.
Physics World Weekly PodcastPhysics World Weekly Podcast13.
The Edtech PodcastThe Edtech Podcast14.
The Gadget Show PodcastThe Gadget Show Podcast15.
The Gatekeepers podcastThe Gatekeepers16.
The Lazarus Heist podcastThe Lazarus Heist17.
The Reith Lectures podcastThe Reith Lectures18.
The Squid Scam: Hunting the NFT Con Artists podcastThe Squid Scam: Hunting the NFT Con Artists19.
The Studies Show podcastThe Studies Show20.
The Wheeler Dealer podcastThe Wheeler Dealer21.
The World's Hardest Puzzle podcastThe World’s Hardest Puzzle22.
What The Fraud? podcastWhat The Fraud?23.
A CRISPR Bite: How gene-editing technology is changing our food podcastA CRISPR Bite: How gene-editing technology is changing our food24.
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg podcastAll-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg25.
Apple Events podcastApple Events26.
Better Offline podcastBetter Offline27.
BG2Pod with Brad Gerstner and Bill Gurley podcastBG2Pod with Brad Gerstner and Bill Gurley28.
Call Me Disabled podcastCall Me Disabled29.
CTO Podcast – Insights & Strategies for Chief Technical Officers Navigating the C-Suite while Balancing Technical Strategy,CTO Podcast – Insights & Strategies for Chief Technical Officers Navigating the C-Suite while Balancing Technical Strategy,30.

The best Technology podcasts UK

This category features the best technology podcasts. Some shows talk about the internet, taking us through the history of the internet, the founders of the web, and the significant changes it has undergone. The hosts explore all the endless features the net offers, and some invite honoured inventors. The Lex Fridman Podcast by Lex Fridman is an example of all the all-rounded tech podcasts you will find in this category.

This category includes podcasts about technology that have endless discussions about the nature of intelligence, artificial intelligence, technology as a whole, the revolutions around technology, and how science has affected the rise and advancement of technology. These shows are informative, with various invited guests giving listeners informed perspectives on technology matters.

Computer scientists, geeks, and mathematicians host several tech podcasts that talk about just that: tech stuff. They speak about unique headlines such as the dark web, cryptocurrency, and the latest apps. But, of course, they cover coding and software development as well. In addition, some documentaries present information unknown to most of us on developing codes, software languages, and operating systems. Crowd network’s dot com: The Wikipedia Story is a fine example of a top documentary on technology.

Cyber security experts and analysts also have something for them. There are technology podcasts that are solely focused on cyber security and cybercrimes. We learn how hackers operate and how to be safe from them. The various hacking techniques are exposed by white hacks that help us keep ourselves safe over the internet.

Top pundits and hosts explore and discuss the digital economy. They inform the stock exchange and online markets and demystify the digital marketplace in informative and straightforward methods. Some of them are crypto-dedicated, and users will learn about Bitcoin and how it was invented, how to buy and sell coins, and how to invest in cryptocurrency. For example, Coin Bureau provides unbiased information on cryptocurrency, sharing tips and tricks for surviving the crypto era.

Last but not least, there are tech podcasts focused only on gadgets. They analyse smartwatches, phones, tablets, and other gadgets in the market every day. Then, they advise what to buy and avoid by telling us which are the most helpful and coolest gadgets in the market and their cost.